To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

How do we prepare the next lotion? Menthol 1.5 g salicylic acid 9g lime Water rosewater AA ad 300g


The first and most difficult method of preparation is solubilizing. I cannot give you a tailor-made formula for this. I also know how many polysorbate 80 should be added. The second and easier way is to suspende after making a fine. You will find in the FN 6 a cattle gumdispersion, of which you can use 20 à 30%. I would take 30%. Dissolve the menthol and salicylic acid in a small amount of ethanol and pour this solution on the dry cattle gum. Let the alcohol evaporate and mix regularly. Add the required amount of boiling water and prepare the dispersion that is further diluted with lime water and rosewater. I suspect a reaction between lime water and salicylic acid. We should not expect a lot of lime in solution.