To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

Losec and Logastric contain gastric juice-resistant magnesia omeprazole. For a Magijet preparation there is omeprazole and also some generics contain purely omeprazole. Here the generic is not Identisch

to the speciality; Does Mg-Omeprazole have benefits and what can we do to make Magijet? Capsules with a classic casing? < br/>


According to what I can find the use of Mg Omeprazole has to do with stability, which is apparently better as of after Omeprazole. So rather important for a speciality. The use of a salt naturally has to do with the poor water solubility of omeprazole. I suspect that after Omeprazole is also on the market but not in Belgium. Certain salts such as Mg Omeprazole are under patent and therefore not available; I suspect that after-salt is still too little stable for a speciality and the manufacturers of generics thus take omeprazole. So indeed the generic is not identical to the specialty and how they succeed in doing the same biolog. Availbh. To fetch I do not know.
for a permanent magistal preparation there is only 1 choice and this is omeprazole in a gastric juice resistant capsule. For the casing we can call on CAP.