To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

Metronidazole 250 mg; Nystatin 1 Milj ONION; F 1 ovule

It is advisable to add to this preparation Watervrje lactose, but this form is not to be obtained COM-mercially. Mag Lactose monohydrate then right? And what can we do to prevent the pessaries from breaking when out of shape. We use as mass suppocire AS2X, we let the preparation at room temperature cool. The form we use there is é é n with large ovulen (gauge mass = 11.7 g)


I would use powdered lactose, given this product contains only 5% water. Why not use a simple universal Witepsol suppository mass like the H 15? Lubricate the mould with a cotton wool + a little glycerin.