To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

Problem with processing ROC-speciality. Erythromycin 4% in Roc Dermato adoucissant or in Roc Purif-AC repairer Apaisant cream.

First wording has a broken view; The second after three Walsen OK but while later completely broken CR è me. Cause?? Solution??


The composition of both ROC products mentions CARBOPOL. Carbopol is incompatible with erythromycin (see Galenic formulary incompatibilities). If the doctor adheres to one of these two ROC products then it may be possible by adding hydroxypropylcellulose or-ethyl cellulose to restore the viscosity. Simpler with more chance of success is to use either the erythromycin gel or the cream of the TMF. The latter also contains metronidazole, but you can leave it out.