To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: July 12 2017

How do I make alum 2g, Sulpho resorcinol 2g, boric acid 2g, erythromycin 2g, disinfectant alcohol 60 ° AD 300 ml?

Do I have to adjust the formula somewhere or make it so and give the Council that the patient shakes the bottle before use? Is this formula used as a deodorant and should it be stored in a deodorant bottle?


The TMF dissolves 4% erythromycin in alcohol of about 50 °.  

I would start to take the amount of water that after adding ethanol 94 ° gives a total alcohol level of 60 ° degrees. In This water one dissolves all ingredients except erythromycin. Maybe under light warming up. Then let the solution completely cool.

I have to say that the current regulation strongly recommends the topical use of boric acid in order not to say prohibits.  

The erythromycin is dissolved in the required amount of ethanol. This solution is added to the aqueous solution under good stirring with magnetic stirrer.  

I think this lotion is used to treat acne.