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Posted on: March 6 2013

How to make Cetiol V 50ml eumulgin B1 75ml comperlan KD 25ml groundnut oil 25ml paraffin oil 25ml LCD 1% dt 200g OPL U.G.

Problem: Cetiol V is missing and Eumulgine B1 is out of trade. By what can we replace it?


Cetiol V I would replace it with Cetiol a Zan analogue product. After all, CETIOL V is decyloleate while CETIOL is Oleyloleate, which is in the German Pharmacopoeia described street. For Eumulgin B1 Cetomacrogol can be taken. However, I am asking whether it should be B1, considering you are writing 75 ml. The information I can still find about this product (with the manufacturer is nothing more) I have the impression that this product is fixed. I can only assure that Eumulgin B1 is soluble in oil. The same applies to Cetomacrogol, possibly under heating. It should be tried out. But since I suspect we have to do here with a bath oil I would use Eumulgin O5 (shake well before use or slightly warm up!) as described on page 120 of the booklet ' Galenic Formularium '.