To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

A problem of solubility in the following lotio: Menthol 1.5 g salicylic acid 4g LCD 10g methionine 250mg cysteine 250mg Spir 60 ° and Aq rosae AA ad 200g

< br/> What solutions are available please? The dermatologist does not ask for denatured ethanol to be used!


This is a problem difficult to solve from behind a bureel.

I think a preview is necessary here.

The composition we are going to use for the trial is: Menthol 0.75 g, salicylic acid 2g, LCD 5g, ethanol 94 ° 40g and water up to 100g

  1. we dissolve in ethanol menthol and salicylic acid as well as LCD; all this in a tarred Beaker
  2. we add Slowly stir in water under good stirring. If possible time you can if half the water is added one hour rest but well covered so that no alcohol evaporates.
  3. We continue to add water under good observation of possible precipitation; also possibly with rest periods??
  4. in case of precipitation, we add 1 ml of extra ethanol and check if the precipitation dissolves back.
  5. Once back solved we continue with the addition of water; observing formation of precipitation, addition of alcohol... etc to end
Note the amount of extra added alcohol. Then you can make the final preparation with this extra amount of alcohol.