To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

Colchicine would completely disappear from the market. Is there a possibility to prepare this yourself? If so, who is supplier of the raw material?


No problem I mean but keep in mind following warnings.

  1. This compound is acutely toxic and teratogenic. It is readily absorbed through the intestinal tract and transplacentally. It may cause severe irritation of mucous membranes. Avoid formation and breathing of aerosols. Laboratory operations should be conducted in a fume hood, glove box, or ventilated cabinet. Avoid Skin Contact: If Exposed, was with soap and cold water. Avoid washing with solvents and exposure to UV light. Avoid rubbing of skin or increasing its temperature. For eye exposure, irrigate immediately with large amounts of water. For ingestion, regeration vomiting. Drink milk or water. Refer for gastric lavage. For inhalation, remove victim promptly to clean air. Administer rescue breathing if necessary. Refer to physician at once. In Case of laboratory spill, wear protective clothing during clean up. Avoid skin contact or breathing of aerosols. Use water to dissolve compound. Use Absorbent paper to mop up spill. Dispose of waste solutions and materials appropriately.

  2. Colchicine darkens in solid form or in solution when exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet light with formation of α, β, and γ lumicolchicines. The β and γ forms are stereoisomers of a compound formed by bridging of the C ring between carbon atom 8 and 12, and α-Lumicolchicine is a head-to-head dimmer or β-lumicolchicine (Chapman et al., 1963). Their structures are depicted in Wyatt et al. (1981). These Photodegradation products are physiologically inactive, and care must be tasks in the storage and analysis of colchicine to prevent exposure to sunlight. Colchicine in ethanolic solution in amber bottles may be stored at-15 ° C (Ertel and Wallace, 1970).

Bassron delivers the product.