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Posted on: March 6 2013

Menthol does not dissolve in a hydro-alcoholic lotion Menthol 1.5 g benzophenol 3g glycerol 3g spiritus 15g Aqua AD 250ml

Should we use the liquid or crystalline form for benzophenol? And there is a difference in strength and scope of application.


At my knowledge, phenol is never for 100% solid crystalline but rather a slurry. But there is also the liquid phenol or phenolum liquefactum, which contains 10% water. In the context of this regulation, the choice does not matter on condition that when you use the liquefaction you have to weigh 10% extra. The prescribed amount of benzophenol I find somewhat on the high side. Compared to an analogue preparation from NF V, I would bring the quantity to half.

In addition, you will not obtain a clear solution with the prescribed composition. I suspect a precipitate of menthol because of a too low concentration of spiritus. Of course, We have two options to solve this problem.

  1. Increase the amount of spiritus. This should be tried out using the method described in question 833.
  2. Apply the principle of solubilisation and add Tween 80. I would try with 10g. So take 10g Tween 80 + Menthol + phenol + glycerin + spiritus and then under good stirring gradually add water